Style indicators for the left panel and the pseudo elements shortcuts
You know that layout style tab? If an element has custom values set up within that group (or any other group!), a small indicator will appear in the left panel shortcuts. How cool is that? With this neat function, you can easily see which styles are set up on the element - without even browsing…
The initial issue
In vanilla Bricks, when you switch elements inside your page, you don't have a clear picture of which styles have been applied to the element. If you are inside the content tab, you first need to switch the style tab. And if a style accordion is opened, you'll have to scroll all your way down to see where your custom values have been applied. With this feature, you know exactly which group contains custom styles on the current element no matter which tab is actually opened.
How to activate it
This setting is part of the Tabs Shorcuts feature. To enable the Tabs Shortcut feature, go to the Theme SettingsBuilder TweaksElementsBuilder Tweaks for the ElementsToggle on "Tabs Shortcuts".
Initial Release Date
June 27, 2023
Last Modification
September 14, 2023
Coming Soon!