Release 2.10-RC

December 10, 2024
42 changes

Coming soon

Advanced Themer gives you the ability to add page transitions to your site in a few clicks! These animations can be set on a global level – affecting all the pages of your website – or on a page level. Inside the page level, you can also enable the ability to transition specific elements.

This powerful new feature lets you view all your remote templates in a clean, organized left panel, with categories for easy navigation. With Quick Remote Template, you can add multiple templates at once without leaving the modal. Plus, you can drag and drop entire sections into specific positions, and even save remote templates to your local server with just a single click!

Hold the CMD key (or CTRL key for PC users) while clicking on any element in the Structure Panel. This will highlight the selected element and its children, while temporarily hiding all other distracting elements in the panel for a cleaner view.

Easily scale down your preview window to get a clear overview of your page. The best part? With Zoom-out enabled, only the root elements (typically your sections) are selectable within the preview window. These elements can be dragged and dropped only at the root level, ensuring you can reorder your sections without accidentally nesting them or disrupting the design by altering inner components.

Easily apply your color variables to any builder control with the new Color Variable Picker. This tool showcases all your palettes in an organized layout, complete with each color’s corresponding light/dark shades and tints. After trying this feature, you won’t want to use the native color grid anymore!

Simplify your CSS by replacing directional properties with logical properties. Logical properties adapt automatically based on the text direction and writing mode of your content, ensuring consistent layouts for both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) languages. This approach reduces the need for manual adjustments, makes your code more maintainable, and improves accessibility for global audiences.

Introducing the Nestable Dark Mode Button and Toggle, two new elements offering full control over inner elements for easy customization. They are fully accessible on the fly – with aria-label and focus styling, support logical properties, and include precompiled default styles within the builder controls.

Stop accidentally moving your elements inside the structure panel! Click the corresponding lock icon to disable dragging and fix the elements’ order. Click again to re-enable dragging and restore functionality.

Extract all CSS variables from your Custom CSS code and generate core Global CSS Variables with a single click! This feature is especially handy when using an external framework, allowing you to integrate builder functions like the Variable Picker for a more streamlined workflow.

The Right Shortcuts next to the structure panel have been redesigned to feature a new options icon. By clicking this icon, a modal opens where you can easily add or remove elements, including third-party ones. Additionally, you can rearrange the active elements by dragging and dropping them to customize the order. Now, you have complete…
The requests made by ACF to the database went from 284 to… 1!
All the root elements (or parent elements) of each component inside Class Converter have now an active background color. It makes it easier to differentiate on the fly which elements are a parent, and which are children.
When clicking on the skip/include toggle next to a root element (or parent element) of a component, all toggle status will be applied to all the children of that element. This is especially useful when you need to disable an entire inner-component without the need to manually toggle off each child one by one.
A new option has been added in Class Converter to sync the label of each element with the newly assigned global class name.
You can now open the Variable Picker using both the V icon and right-click events by selecting the 'Both' option in the theme settings.
You can now customize the default nested elements using the following PHP filter within your child theme:
You can now customize the default presets in the Box-Shadow modal using the following PHP filter within your child theme:
Recently, many users were unable to see new Bricks elements in the builder. This occurred because if you saved the "Enable / Disable" array in a previous release, where these elements weren't part of the list, they ended up being unselected in the theme settings, causing them to be hidden in the builder. This was…
All data previously stored in the "AT - Theme Settings" — including Grid Guides Settings, Right Shortcuts Settings, Strict Editor Settings, Nested Elements Library, Global Query Manager Settings, and all Advanced CSS scripts — has now been organized into separate toggles. This allows you to have granular control over which settings you want to import…