Release 2.7.1
June 24, 2024
7 changes
This release fixes some bugs appeared since 2.7.
Added an outline to the top shortcut icons when the related panel is active
The default styles in Bricks weren't 100% whether a pseudo-element is active or some styles were applied to it. To make it even more obvious, a slight outline is displayed on the active state.
The condition/interaction panels were blocking the pseudo-class panels when clicking on the corresponding shortcut
When the condition/interaction panel was active, clicking on any pseudo-element shortcut inside the element panel wasn't automatically closing the condition/interaction view - you had to manually disable these particular views prior to navigate the other panels.
The keybord shortcuts for moving elements inside the structure panel weren’t working correctly anymore
The 2.7 release introduced some significant performance improvements to the "Move elements in the structure panel" tweak, but broke the keyboard shortcuts related to it. The shortcuts are now restored.
Grid builder settings not getting saved on global Classes
The grid builder settings applied to a global class would correctly appy on the preview window, but wouldn't be saved after builder refresh. This was probably due to a change from Bricks related to the new sync global classes feature.
Duplicate Trailing slashes added to the nested elements
When saving a nested element that contained single/double quotations marks inside an input (like in the custom css tab or the code element), the script would wrongly generate double trailing slashes each time you would save the nested elements to the database.
JS error that could prevent some functions to mount correctly
A JavaScript error related to the active tabs in the left shortcuts was preventing other functions of AT to mount correctly (such as the dynamic data modal or the Advanced Wrapper).
SuperPowerCSS wasn’t respecting the auto-expand settings
When opening the CSS tab with SuperPowerCSS activated, the element panel wasn't expanding correctly event if the corresponding option was set in the Bricks settings.