October 24, 2024
10 changes
This release mostly resolves bugs appeared recently.
When both builder & frontend are set to be hidden, the structure element was painted as orange instead of red.
Hiding an element on both the frontend and the builder would paint the corresponding structure item in orange rather than red.
Sass variables are now included inside the suggestion dropdown of AdvancedCSS and SuperPowerCSS when hitting “$”
Advanced CSS and SuperPowerCSS now both support the suggestion and autocompletion of the SASS variables defined in the Advanced CSS partials.
Advanced CSS: decreased the amount of calculation on save leading to better performances
Some unnecessary data were being processed and saved on the server level when saving the Advanced CSS settings.
Advanced CSS: toggling on a disabled css wasn’t reflecting inside the builder
When a stylesheet was previously disabled, toggling the status back would not add the CSS back inside the builder.
ACSS recipe content was converting single quotes in HTML entities code.
Some ACSS recipes using single quotes (like content: '') would expand inside the SuperPowerCSS as HTML entities code instead of keeping the single quotes untouched, and ultimately breaking the CSS.
Invalid Nonce on saving Advanced CSS settings when ACSS is active.
When ACSS was active, saving the Advanced CSS settings would generate an internal error inside the AJAX call (Invalid Nonce) leading the settings to result unsaved.
Elements hidden inside the builder could disappear in the structure (conflict with 3rd party plugins)
Elements that were set to be hidden inside the builder could resulted hidden inside the structure panel as well due to some CSS conflict with other 3rd party plugins.
Grid guides could generate a JS error when custom breakpoints were added
Adding a new custom breakpoint could generate a JS error when activating the grid guide tweak.
Advanced Text Wrapper could still have work breaking inside the unwrap/wrap buttons
In some rare cases, the unwrap/wrap buttons inside Advanced Text Wrapper were breaking by 3rd party custom css.
SuperPowerCSS didn’t extend to the available space using Firefox developer edition
If you're a Firefox developer edition, the SuperPowerCSS control wasn't extending correctly to the bottom the of the window when the tweak "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" was active.