Release 3.0.1

January 28, 2025
5 changes

This release fixes potential issues raised in the 3.0 release.

In rare cases, the right element shortcuts could prevent the AT options from mounting correctly inside the builder - and cause the AT functions to be broken.
Even when you disabled the global colors settings within the Theme Settings, or if you disabled the darkmode on the frontend, the JavaScript file "darkmode-local-storage.js" was still being enqueued on the frontend.
When importing the AT - Theme settings from an export file, the confirmation popup would include duplicate "Theme Settings" strings for each data entry imported.
Importing the AT - Strict Editor View settings from an export file would generate a Fatal Error in the AJAX response due to a typo in the code.
Instead of being fixed on the page, the confirmation popup after importing/exporting/resetting settings was displayed as position:absolute, which wasn't a great UX on long pages.