Pick and choose what features you want to use, from Typography to Spacing to Border – and even the builder tweaks, the AI integration, the admin bar item, and the color palette CPT. And if that’s not enough, all of the related functions will automatically be disabled on both the backend and frontend, so you don’t have to worry about bloating your website.
Release 1.0.3
1.0.3 brings numerous bug-fixes and several improvements.
Disable any variable output produced by AT
We’re excited to let you know about the awesome new feature that many of you have requested over the past few days. You can now disable any specific category like Typography or Spacing within your AT settings. By doing this, you can prevent any potential conflicts or unnecessary bloat on your website. For those of you who find this helpful, we’ve also added the neat option to disable the admin bar item and the entire color palette Custom Post Type on the go.
New UI for the builder tweaks category
We’ve given the builder tweaks category in the UI a fresh new look by grouping them all into intuitive toggles. This will not only make it simpler for you to find and adjust settings, but it’ll also lead to faster server performance due to reduced ACF variables and database calls. Plus, this new structure makes it super easy for us to add new features on our end!
Just don’t forget to re-save your theme settings to make sure your preferences are properly updated.
And, as always, feel free to reach out with any thoughts, questions, or concerns. Happy designing!