Admin Settings / Extras

Customize Advanced Themer your own way

Are you excited to use Advanced Themer, but don't plan on utilizing all its features? No worries! With Advanced Themer, you have complete control and can easily toggle on or off any settings that don't appeal to you, such as CSS variables or the AI integration. This makes using the plugin a breeze and ensures that nothing gets in your way as you design your website. The best part? Advanced Themer is so smart it can even unload/deactivate selected features from the frontend, which means you're always in control and can enjoy the best possible performance for your website!

Page Transitions (Experimental)

Advanced Themer gives you the ability to add page transitions to your site in a few clicks! These animations can be set on a global level – affecting all the pages of your website – or on a page level. Inside the page level, you can also enable the ability to transition specific elements.

Migrate your Bricks Settings

Advanced Themer helps you to migrate all the data saved by Bricks to your database. It includes the Bricks settings and all your global classes, global variables, color palettes, components, theme styles, etc...

Enable/Disable any feature

Pick and choose what features you want to use, from Typography to Spacing to Border - and even the builder tweaks, the AI integration, the admin bar item, and the color palette CPT. And if that's not enough, all of the related functions will automatically be disabled on both the backend and frontend, so you don't have to worry about bloating your website.

Import/Export your Advanced Themer Settings

One of the top features you've all asked for is finally here! You now have the power to export all your theme settings right into a JSON file and just as easily import it to any website of your choice that is using Advanced Themer.

BricksLabs Integration

BricksLabs has fantastic articles available to make your Bricks experiences even better. Now, you can access the latest posts faster and search for articles using essential keywords with ease- all without having to leave the builder.

Resources Panel

Are you building a template from a design file? Need a quick way to access your CheatSheets? Or maybe you want to filter your media gallery and grab the full image URL? The resource panel has got your back! Simply create your galleries in the theme options, and you can easily display them within the builder.

AT License key is hidden on the frontend

We understand that license misuse can be a legitimate concern. But rest assured, we've taken extra measures to ensure that your license remains secure - our tool never displays any output inside the DOM. So go ahead, install Advanced Themer today, and take your client's website design to the next level with complete confidence and ease.

Allow upload of JSON and CSS files in the Media Library

Since we introduced the framework import feature that relies on a JSON file for the categories and variables, you'll need to consent to the Media Library to upload JSON MIME files. We added a simple toggle in the settings to do so. And since some users weren't able to upload .css files, we added the CSS option as well.

Reset your Theme Settings at any time

To keep things fresh and avoid any unnecessary clutter, we added a simple function that deletes old, unused data from the database. , Just give that 1-click reset button a tap to effortlessly clear all the Theme settings data on your server.

You won't build websites without it anymore!