BricksLabs has fantastic articles available to make your Bricks experiences even better. Now, you can access the latest posts faster and search for articles using essential keywords with ease- all without having to leave the builder.
Release 1.0.7
we’ve got some exciting updates to share with you! ?
Introducing the new Right Sidebar
We’ve added a handy right sidebar with shortcut icons for the most-used elements in Bricks. Now, you can simply click on any icon to bring it straight into your structure panel, say goodbye to scrolling through long element lists!
Resizable Structure Panel
Guess what? Your structure panel is now resizable, just like the left panel, so you can customize the width to your preferences!
BricksLabs Integration
Easily navigate and search after any article published on without leaving the builder.
Performance Enhancement on Frontend
We’ve majorly improved the way Advanced Themer outputs generated CSS on the frontend. Instead of making multiple database calls and using resource-heavy server-side functions, the CSS is now generated when you save your theme settings/color palettes! This means Advanced Themer only makes a single database call faster than lightning, no computations needed.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes!
This release contains numerous bug fixes reported after 1.05 /1.0.6 were released. Don’t forget to review the important changelogs below.
Happy updating! ?
AT License key is hidden on the frontend
We understand that license misuse can be a legitimate concern. But rest assured, we’ve taken extra measures to ensure that your license remains secure – our tool never displays any output inside the DOM. So go ahead, install Advanced Themer today, and take your client’s website design to the next level with complete confidence and ease.